Technical Support

Technocloud is a tech support service company which gives the customers the edge to perform better even in critical situations. Our speedy troubleshooting methods and customized solutions bring in elevated customer satisfaction. We have remote network and well-equipped server management system which supplies directed, safe and cohesive solutions for network communication. We facilitate interconnection between offices even that are at different locations. Along with the offices, it also provides support to suppliers, clients and buyers with smooth access to dire information at any point of time from any place.

Technocloud as a tech support service company extends technical support to different parts of the world with secured knowledge in a 24×7 environment. We always try to abide by the timelines and the promised levels of quality of service.

What benefits will you derive from a tech support service company like Technocloud?

  • Upgraded customer support services
  • Skilled and trained technical helpdesk executives
  • Rationalized business processes
  • Lucrative online computer support services
  • Round-the-clock service
  • Save time, effort and resources
24 X 7 Technical Support comprises of
  • Upgraded customer support services
  • Skilled and trained technical helpdesk executives
  • Rationalized business processes
  • Lucrative online computer support services
  • Round-the-clock service
  • Save time, effort and resources
  • Internet Support & Management
  • Inbound Technical Support
  • Security & Firewall Services
  • Windows 2003/2008 Server Management
  • Mailing Services : Internal and external Exchange 2003/2007 Server Configuration,
  • Management and Maintenance
  • Network & Application Management
  • Wide Area Network Services

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Let's Get In Touch!

Call Us at

+91 9645 058 444

Skype : info_technocloud



9/100, Hebbar Compound, Chandranagar (P.O.) Palakkad, Kerala - India - 678 007